16 August 2020

Long Time no see

Assalamualaikum, it has been NEARLY two years since I last wrote. A new leaf is in the offing πŸ€” InSya Allah. 

Going through my backlog of stuff, and have decided to do the following:

  1. Use my stuff or give away/sell them
  2. Daily updates on social media, preferably in short video form or pictures
  3. Monthly compilation on YouTube with the 1sec compilation on social media
  4. Update my blog!!! Preferably once a month 

Life is a bit strange currently especially if you are an extrovert and socially adventurous πŸ€” person. For me, it is actually a blessing 😜

Whatever the case may be, let us all work together (apart) and try to break the chain for good. 


  • wash your hands and maintain a good physical hygiene 
  • be physically distant when out and about, maintain at least a metre distance from the next person when possible
  • wear a mask
  • sneeze or cough into your elbow or tissue or handkerchief
  • don’t be macho and go to work/school if you have the slightest sign of being under the weather
Until next time, ciao...

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